Sunday, May 13, 2007

Martin Luther King Jr. Questions

Why does the author feel that whites owe King the greatest debt?
- Because he liberated them from the burden of America's centuries-old hypocrisy about race.

Was King "the right man at the right time"?
The movement that King led swept all that away. Its victory was so complete that even though those outrages took place within the living memory of the baby boomers, they seem like ancient history. And though this revolution was the product of two centuries of agitation by thousands upon thousands of courageous men and women, King was its culmination.

Would King be upset with the current use of his most often quoted line? Why or why not?
- Yes, because
it has become the slogan for opponents of affirmative action like California's Ward Connerly, who insist, incredibly, that had King lived he would have been marching alongside them.

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